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Whitaker是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/Whitaker.html 发布时间:2021-03-25
Whitaker是什么意思 Whitaker在线翻译 Whitaker什么意思 Whitaker的意思 Whitaker的翻译 Whitaker的解释 Whitaker的发音 Whitaker的同义词 Whitaker[ˈhwitəkə] Whitaker 基本解释



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1. 惠特克:我们也能从各个斜面流下来的泥水里看到大气陵削作用的效果. 拉姆齐和惠特克(whitaker)曾经阐明,并且这是一个极其动人的观察,...

Whitaker 双语例句


1. Duran, Whitaker Elected to Boxing Hall - Four-division champs Roberto Duran and Pernell Whitaker, and two-division champ Ricardo Lopez headline the long list of 2007 inductees to the International Boxing Hall of Fame in Canastota, NY.

2. Frank Whitaker: No, honey, I don\'t think I\'ve had enough!

3. Frank Whitaker: I know it\'s wrong because it makes me feel despicable.

4. Cathy Whitaker: What\'s that?

5. Cathy Whitaker: Don\'t you think you\'ve had enough, dear?

6. Whitaker

6. Cathy Whitaker: You\'re all man to me!

7. Cathy Whitaker: It\'s hard to put into words, really.

8. How did you decide to cast Forest Whitaker?
:你怎么决定了扔森林 Whitaker ?

9. Ames (recurring guest star FOREST WHITAKER) issues a restraining order against Kovac. And Dubenko (recurring guest star LELAND ORSER) gives Neela the opportunity to be part of a very special holiday miracle.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Dionne Whitaker, 31, who lives in the complex, said she saw Shepherd carry the grill and smoker to a garbage bin a day or so later, the newspaper said.
Dionne 居住在合成物的 31 岁的惠特克,说她看见牧羊者将烤架和吸烟者携带到垃圾箱柜一天或者如此稍后,报纸说。

11. And because talented character actors like James Gandolfini, Forest Whitaker, Catherine O\'Hara and Paul Dano had the benefit of voicing their roles on the same stage at the same time — rather than recording their parts independently of each other, which is standard practice — their interplay feels more organic.

12. Claudie Whitaker, 44, from Groombridge in Kent took part along with daughter Elizabeth Nicholls, 17, after seeing TV footage of recent protests in Tibet.
克洛迪惠特克,44 ,从格鲁姆布里奇在肯特参加随著女儿伊丽莎白尼科尔斯,17后,看到电视画面的最近的抗议活动在西藏。

13. Antegrade urography via percutaneous needle or tube nephrostomy is of particular value when the obstructed kidney fails to excrete the radiopaque material on excretory urography. This procedure allows application of the Whitaker test, during which fluid is introduced into the renal pelvis at varying rates.

14. Antegrade urography via percutaneous needle or tube nephrostomy is of particular value when the o tructed kidney fails to excrete the radiopaque material on excretory urography. This procedure allows a lication of the Whitaker test, during which fluid is introduced into the renal pelvis at varying rates.

15. Whitaker的翻译

15. They say they are also still trying to determine a motive in the killings of 13-year-old Taylor Paschal-Placker and 11-year-old Skyla Whitaker.
他们表示还在推测杀害13岁的Taylor Paschal 和11岁的Skyla Whitaker 的作案动机。

16. They say they are also still trying to determine a motive in the killings of 13-year-old Taylor Paschal Placker and 11-year-old Skyla Whitaker.

17. Authorities in Oklahoma are chasing down leads as they try to find whoever killed two young girls last weekend. They say they are also still trying to determine a motive in the killings of 13-year-old Taylor Paschal-Placker and 11-year-old Skyla Whitaker.
俄克拉荷马州当局说他们正在搜寻上周末杀害了两名年轻女孩的凶手的证据,他们也仍然在探讨杀死13岁的Taylor Paschal-Placker和11岁Skyla Whitaker的杀人动机。

18. Whitaker的解释

18. Joining John Whitaker will be his brother Michael also riding under the British flag

19. Whitaker在线翻译

19. In the base of Whitaker\'s local volume average equations and not adding new analyses, the model of heat and mass transfer equivalent coupling diffusion of porous media is induced.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. He noticed a new building going up near Whitaker Park.

Whitaker 单语例句Whitaker的解释

1. Whitaker also criticised the Duke of York for using a helicopter to fly 70 miles for the opening of a bridge.

2. Forest Whitaker is a safe bet for \" The Last King of Scotland, \" in which he plays Ugandan dictator Idi Amin.

3. Forest Whitaker won best actor playing ruthless dictator Idi Amin in drama The Last King of Scotland.

4. Whitaker began his foray into films playing an athlete in 1982\'s teen hit Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

5. It\'s not just that Whitaker is the bigger star or plays the more powerful character.

6. Forest Whitaker was named best actor in a drama for his portrayal of Ugandan dictator Idi Amin.

7. British jumper John Whitaker decided to withdraw from competition, as horse Peppermill had a stiff back.

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本文链接: http://whitaker.immuno-online.com/view-750211.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)